Count Syllables

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Count Syllables is a free online tool that can help you for counting the total number of syllables in a word or sentence. You may find this useful in counting syllables for: haiku, tanka, sonnet, limerick, poems, lyrics, etc...

How to Count Syllables ?

There are several methods for counting syllables, including:

  1. The "clapping method": Speak the word or phrase out loud and clap your hands with each syllable. The number of claps is the number of syllables.
  2. The "finger method": Place your hand under your chin and say the word or phrase. Each time your chin drops, that's a syllable.
  3. The "dictionary method": Look up the word in a dictionary, which will often provide the syllable count.
  4. The "online tools method": Use an online syllable counting tool, which can automatically count the number of syllables in a word or sentence.
  5. The "rules method": Divide the word into prefixes, roots, and suffixes, and count the number of vowel sounds (vowels, diphthongs, and triphthongs) in the word.

It's important to note that counting syllables may vary based on dialect and accent, and also some words may have multiple pronunciation and multiple syllable count.